Today I am going to be talking about an addiction that I have been trying to cure, slowly but surely.
I'm addicted to washing my hair.
You see, when I was younger, and was beginning to be nagged about showering daily, I didn't know that you weren't supposed to wash your hair everyday. I didn't realise that it strips your hair of essential oils. I just didn't know the damage that it could do.
It just became a habit. Every shower, I would go in, and wash my hair. I began to focus on it so much, that I wouldn't wash my body. I would shower just to wash my hair.
I used to, everyday, go in the shower, put in my shampoo, wash it out, put in my conditioner, brush my hair (yes I know that it's bad to brush your hair in the shower, but my hair is so curly and untamable, that it is absolutely impossible to brush it at any other time, so I literally have no choice), wash out the conditioner, come out, plait my hair, go to bed. That plaiting might be part of the reason for my crazy curls now.
But recently I have been trying really really hard to stop washing my hair so often. Thing is, it is actually really difficult to stop. I just do it automatically. I'm just washing the conditioner out of my hair when I remember that I have already washed it that day!

Also, in the mornings I have a very strict routine, which have incorporated my shower routine into. I now know that I wash my hair on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at some point at the weekend if I want to.
However, my hair does get greasy easily, and I've noticed that I have been wearing my hair in my go-to ponytail increasingly, to try and trick people into thinking that it actually isn't greasy.
As for the quality of my hair.. I can't say that I've noticed a huge difference, but it has only been a few weeks. Whatever happens however, my time in the shower has shortened incredibly!
We'll see what happens with it!
See you soon!
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