Saturday 3 December 2016

Blogmas Day 3: Christmas Adverts

It's normally the very first sign of Christmas every year. The thing that causes so much anticipation, worry, waiting. You know when you see it that nothing will ever be the same again (well until mid-January). It is of course the Christmas Advert!

I know there are hundreds of ones released every year, but so that I don't waste our time, I am just going to talk about the main ones.

First of all, how is it possible that I write about Christmas adverts without mentioning the biggie: John Lewis. To be honest, I really don't know why it has become such a big thing over the years, but it is and we all love it. Who doesn't live for the joy of seeing that particular Christmas advert for the first time?

However, this year, I have to say that in my personal opinion, it's not my favourite. The best way that I can describe it is quite a lot of nothing. Its a very long ad where the only thing that happens is a dog jumping on a trampoline. I always think it's really sad how the girl isn't even the first person to use the trampoline - plus, in reality, that trampoline would be covered in fox poo which is kind of gross. For me, it didn't really tug at the heart strings enough.

One that did tug on those heart strings however, was the M&S advert! I actually haven't seen this on TV yet, but I have seen it on YouTube, and I think that it's the cutest thing ever!

I love the fact that we're FINALLY seeing the story of Mrs Clause - that poor woman has stood by for centuries, letting her husband get all the glory. It's about time she gets some of the credit - HERES TO THE REVOLUTION, MRS CLAUSE FOR PRESIDENT! We're all thinking it really. And, the story between the siblings is so sweet, it actually makes me feel a little guilty being a younger sibling myself!

Another particularly heartstringy tuggy one is the Sainsbury's advert.

I have to admit, the first few times that I watched it through, I didn't really get it. It was the whole part where he makes clones of himself that I always found a little confusing, but once you suspend belief a little, it is a really nice advert with a very strong message. It also has a great backing track, sung by James Corden, who I absolutely love!

The Waitrose advert is one that I think is quite typical of the Christmas advert. You know, the lost little robin who is just trying to make their way home for Christmas - enjoyable but not very original.

I just think that ads like this are a little bit pointless - but then again, here I am writing about my opinion of Christmas adverts, and if I don't think that's pointless, I need to have a very serious look at my life!

Then, there's the amusing one from ALDI. This is only a recent discovery of mine, and I'm still trying to decide whether I like it or not.

I like adverts with a happy ending, and that's not really what this is - I mean the carrot only wanted to see Father Christmas, isn't that what every child wants??? Do they deserve to get eaten???

Lastly, I'm going to talk about quite a sad one because I have very mixed feelings towards it.

Part of me thinks that this is a really strong message, and I think that it is incredibly poignant and heartfelt and will make a lot of people want to donate to the charity. However, at the same time, I feel like Christmas is such a magical time and Father Christmas is such a magical concept to so many children, and this would just break the hearts of so many children. Part of me feels like it is just going unnecessarily far to prove a point.

What's your favourite Christmas ad of 2016? I'd love to hear about it!

See you tomorrow!

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