As a teenager in secondary school, every year I must be put under the torture that is cross country.
Whoever thought that making teenagers run through the mud and the woods in the wind and the rain and the freezing cold should be put to death. Seriously, I dare you to find one person who disagrees with me.
And I suppose that it could be slightly more bearable if done in the height of summer, when you can enjoy running in the sun.
But no. It is done (in my school at least) in late October and early November.
And, in my school we have to run the course every PE lesson for two weeks, as well as an extra time for fun.
No words.
And it's not like they do it for two weeks so that it is over and done with, oh no!
We have to do a week before half term and then a week after half term, just to spread out the torture.
Why would you make us suffer for three weeks instead of two?
I reckon it is just so that we get the worst weather possible.
But what I find the absolute strangest is that the PE teachers actually seem to enjoy it.
What. Is. That.
I have a theory however. Someone like me, I hate PE more than life itself. It isn't my thing, I can't do it. Cross country, is what I think the PE teachers use to get their revenge on people like me.
What did I ever do to you?!?!
I'm sorry that I don't do running or jumping or anything in particular, but seriously! This isn't the way to get your own back!
When you are reading this, it will all be over, and I may have died, so think of a mud splattered, rain drenched, cold, shivering me!
And after today, I only have three more to do!!!
Focus on the positives, optimism all the way. It is Happy Wednesday after all!
I think that I'm going to do another post tomorrow on how to survive cross country, which won't be me just ranting.
I probably should've saved this for Friday, but oh well, live and learn!
See you soon! (I hope!)
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