Friday 11 October 2019

I Hate Autumn

(Full disclosure, I went to the woods to try and take some lovely autumnal pictures but it was no where near dead enough. I was very disappointed.)

I feel like this is such a controversial opinion to have at the moment. We're now in October, the trees are turning, pumpkins are at the entrance to every supermarket, and unlike seemingly everyone else on social media, I am really not here for it.

It appears on social media that autumn is all about visiting pumpkin patches for those aesthetic seasonal 'gram photos, and drinking pumpkin spiced lattes (which admittedly I have never tried but sound kind of gross). Now don’t get me wrong, I love fluffy socks and a roaring fire as much as the next person but I see those things very much as elements of winter - not autumn.

The way I see autumn, it is the symbol of everything dying. Trees are dying and dropping their leaves (the colours are pretty I won’t deny, but it’s still literally death on a plate). The weather is getting colder - not only that but more rainy (I’m writing this on a train having been completely soaked en route to the station), the nights are drawing in and everything is just getting darker and less joyeus.

I can deal with all things in winter because A) it’s winter and that’s just how it is, and B) Both Christmas and my birthday are in winter which makes it much more enjoyable. My family have never celebrated Halloween, so I don’t really see that as a reason to like autumn. I get that some people love Halloween, but it’s just not for me. 

The thing that I’m finding hardest about autumn this year is the clothing. I’m a hardcore yellow wearer which is great during summer, there’s yellow everywhere you look. I walked into a shop the other day and what did I see? Beige. And brown. And burgundy. Where’s the yellow?? Now lots of people will say that mustard is very autumn-y and that’s probably true but mustard is disgusting. It’s the autumn of the yellow family - the dark and gloomy cousin to an otherwise cheerful and happy colour. 

I had a big clear out of my clothes when I finished school, wanting to start a new chapter of my life and I bought a brand new gorgeous summer wardrobe that I have absolutely loved wearing this year. However I am now finding myself completely stuck, not having any clue what to wear everyday. Gone are my beautiful summer dresses and flowy midi skirts, and I am not prepared to get my fluffy jumpers out yet - until November I will not do it.

I might add that I actually had a truly fantastic summer this year, I was determined to enjoy it and it was definitely the best one I have ever had. I suppose I'm just really reluctant to let that go.

Everyone keeps saying that layering is key.. but what does that even mean?!? That’s another thing about autumn - you can never get the right temperature. I’m either burning up or freezing cold and I just can’t handle it. I end up carrying around 3 different options for outerwear based on how cold/warm I get. People always say that is the kind of weather where you wear a jumper in the morning and regret it in the afternoon. And don't even get me started on the rain. 

That’s another thing I hate about autumn - tights. Today is the first day in MONTHS that I had to put tights on and it was like putting myself into this stretchy black straight jacket. However I’m determined to not be confined to black tights for the next 8 months, and have a whole array of yellow tights at the ready. 

I don’t know - am I being unreasonable? I am very happy for people to argue with me on this, I genuinely want to know why people love autumn so much. Plus I genuinely think that autumn is out to get me. I was attacked by a thorn yesterday it made me bleed and everything. Looks like autumn hates me as much as I hate it.

Bring back summer. 


The funny thing is that I just remembered I that I wrote a post on this blog probably 3 years ago now where I raved all about autumn and how I was determined to love it. I was wrong.

Friday 27 September 2019

H&M Autumn Capsule Wardrobe

I have spoken many times about my guilty pleasure for capsule wardrobes. I have been experimenting with different capsules myself for over a year now, but I wanted to take it further, and play with the idea of a capsule wardrobe beyond what the constraints of my budget and storage will allow. That is why I have created a new Instagram account @capsulesandjournals where I will be creating capsule wardrobes and bullet journal layouts (but more on that later).

To kick off this new venture of mine, I thought I would start with a simple 10-piece capsule wardrobe for autumn. I have taken all of the pieces from the H&M website and their current autumn collection. I haven't included shoes as a part of the 10 pieces but all shoes used in the images are also from H&M and will be linked below.

I really wanted to create my dream capsule wardrobe, just to show you guys what I love to wear. Because of this, I have included a lot of yellow, and some fabulous patterns, as well as a range of items that can be styled up for nights out or styled down for evenings in.

I have created 12 exemplar outfits for you, but there are many more that can be made with this capsule, it is really versatile.

Black Boots
So, lets talk about the individual pieces.

Striped jersey top - Black/White striped - | H&M GB 2First of all, this stripy tee is just a perfect base for this capsule. It is black and white so will go with pretty much everything, and it has the yellow accents that are a key element of this capsule. Plus a striped tee is just such a staple in everyones wardrobe and you really can't for wrong for just £6.99!

Long-sleeved lace body - Black -  | H&M GBI then chose to include this lacy bodysuit because I think that it is a really easy way to dress up an outfit. This bodysuit can be worn with any of the bottoms to make a really lovely going-out outfit. Plus it can be layered so you don't get cold. It is also a very reasonable £14.99.

Circular skirt - Black/White spotted - Ladies | H&M GB 3I love skirts, in particular midi skirts, so it was really important to me that there be at least one in this capsule. This skirt has such a lovely print (another sneaky way to add in print), and because of its dark colour can be worn with thick tights and booties the whole was through autumn so you don't freeze to the bone.

Slim Mom Jeans - Black denim - | H&M GB 2

Cotton corduroy trousers - Burgundy - Ladies | H&M GBI then decided to include two pairs of trousers as that is what I wear more commonly during autumn. I have a classic pair of black slim mom jeans (I'm not a huge fan of skinny) and then a slightly more out there pair of red cord culottes style trousers. I really like both these trousers, most because they are so different but very autumnal in their own ways.

Textured-knit jumper - Natural white -  | H&M GB
Knitted cardigan - Saffron yellow - | H&M GB 2In terms of jumpers, I wanted there to be a little bit of difference so I have included a yellow cardigan which is so easy to throw over the top of anything, and a big cosy white jumper. Both of these will be really lovely to wear throughout autumn. I personally am not a big fan of massive roll necks, so I decided not to include any jumpers like that.

Wool-blend coat - Black -  | H&M GBFor the coat, I selected a simple black belted wool-blend number. It won't be particularly waterproof if the heavens open, but it should still be lovely to wear with everything else in the capsule. It is the most expensive item in the capsule, at £59.99, but you won't be complaining when the temperatures hit freezing and you're super snuggly.

Fitted dress - Mustard yellow - | H&M GB 2
Cotton boiler suit - Denim blue - Ladies | H&M GB 2I then wanted to include a couple of key statement pieces. I love a dress, and I don't see why they should go away just because the sun does. This little yellow dress is gorgeous - it can be worn on its own or in the form of a pinafore dress which I love. I have also included this lovely jumpsuit, because I love the faux-denim look of it, and I always thinks that blue sets yellow off very nicely (the sun in the sky for one example). I also think that jumpsuits are a perfect transitioning item for autumn.

I hope that you enjoyed this capsule wardrobe post, and please follow my new Instagram @capsulesandjournals if you would like to see more!

See you soon!

Monday 15 October 2018

Current Obsessions

As a self proclaimed obsessive person, I usually have a few things that I am obsessed with at any one time, something to keep my Pinterest feed full and keep my mind busy when I can't sleep. They change from time to time, but I would like to share with you my three greatest obsessions of the moment:
1. Bullet Journals
2. Capsule Wardrobes
3. Beauty Advent Calendars

Right, number one, bullet journals. So the story starts several months ago when I went to Hobbycraft for the first time (best shop ever, am I right?) And I saw this beautiful scrapbook on sale for £3 and I had to buy it. I had no idea what to do with it, so when I got home I went straight to Pinterest to see if they had any ideas. Absolutely nothing about scrapbooks came up, instead every single post was about a thing called a bullet journal. I had never heard of it at the time, and basically what it is is a diy notebook/diary/planner/whatever you want it to be. After about two hours researching and falling in love with the gorgeous spreads, I found that I had bought one off Amazon and the rest, as they say, is history.

I have now nearly filled up my first book and have my second one all ready to go for November, and I absolute love it, though I always feel painfully inadequate compared to the beauties that I seem to spend my time looking at on Pinterest and Instagram. I have a board of some of my favourites and some that I think are just a great idea for you to check out.

Secondly, capsule wardrobes, another unfortunate Pinterest find (someone should really take me off that website). This one is more of a working progress, I intend to sit down during my half term and properly plan out one, but for now I can just dream. I can't quite work out what it is that I am so attracted to in a Capsule Wardrobe, because I love shopping, I love clothes and I love a bargain! I think it is probably the versatility and the challenge, and the idea of having a wardrobe filled only with clothes I really love. If I'm honest, I don't know whether it will ever completely work for me because I love prints and colour wayyy too much, but I don't think that having a clear out is ever a bad idea.

Again, I have a board on Pinterest for capsules, but I chose ones specifically that had a really good range of colour and patterns in, while still being versatile and interesting.

Finally, beauty advent calendars. It's October, it's time. I have watched a million in boxing videotapes, I have been on every website, every SPOILERS blog. I'm out of control! (And I wonder why I'm behind on schoolwork!) Every year I have moaned on here about not being able to afford one and trying to get cheap alternatives, and it has never worked. This year I am determined to splash out, and boy, have I done my research! At the moment I am most attracted to the NYX one (£50), and the Sleek MakeUP one (£35), though the Revolution Lips edition (£40) is also tickling my fancy! Ugh what do I do? You know, I only see one solution: get them all!!!

Though, let's be honest, the same thing that happens every year will happen, I'll spend too long deliberating, they'll all sell out, and I will massively regret it! Time to stop being indecisive and splash the cash!

I'll keep you updated on the progress of these obsessions, and I'm sure we're in for a wild ride!

Gabriella Hope x

Saturday 13 October 2018


So if we're not counting yesterday, I haven't written in over a year. I can't tell you why that is because I honestly don't know. Things got busy and I suppose I just didn't have the motivation anymore, I'd run out of things to say.

However a year has passed and quite a lot has changed, so I thought we could have a little catch up. I suppose that the biggest thing to happen to me in the past year and a bit is that I moved schools. A completely terrifying and out of character thing for me to do but I am honestly so pleased I did it. Aside from a few teething issues, I am really happy and I know I made the right decision.

Another new development: a boyfriend! Not going to go into much detail about this one, but I am so happy to be spending with him.

Next, deciding what I want to do with my future and stuff. Not so much to report here as I am so indecisive that I have literally no idea, but probably something in the creative industry - hoping that a foundation year will make evening crystal clear for me!

I have started life drawing classes (which for those of you who don't know, is when you draw naked people). This is significant because I never thought that I would be mature enough to do it, and I'm not going to lie, it was super award/embarrassing at first but I actually really enjoyed it.

I now completely love rice krispies (now this is the part you've all been waiting for), I'll eat them at any time, I just love em.

Beginning to scrape the barrel a bit now... ooh, I have given up chocolate for a while, no reason why, just fancied a challenge, and have eaten it since the summer holidays and will go chocolate free now until Christmas advent calendars come out!

That's all I can think of for the mo, and I'm sure that in have demonstrated what a wild and fulfilling life I have in the fact that in a year I have made no decisions about the future and like rice krispies.

Ah well. Rice krispies are good.

Gabriella Hope x

Friday 12 October 2018

Hi. Again.

I have just spent about two hours researching cheap alternatives to printer ink cartridges, foundation art courses and beauty advent calendars and somewhere among that I had the urge that I haven't had in a really long time: the urge to just write. Now if you knew my life over the past few weeks you would think that totally insane as I have literally done nothing but write, art essays, English essays, personal statements etcetera etcetera. I don't do much for fun anymore. That sounds so ominous and depressing, I promise it's not that bad really!

Do you ever get the feeling that you don't really do anything for yourself anymore? I do art for my A level, likewise with textiles, likewise with English. As for maths I can't really say I ever did that for fun before - perhaps that's why it's the only subject I'm actually enjoying!

I miss this. I miss just writing for the hell of it to no one in particular. Ain't it funny how life can get in the way without you even realizing it?

I complain but I love it really. I enjoy school, I enjoy learning and most importantly, I chose this because it's what I want. I just love a moan - what can I say? I'm just very British!

It's a tough time but I'm a great believer in happy endings and I know I'll get through it and come out the other side smiling. Which, I suppose, is why I am here now. Because when I emerge smiling, I want to be writing for fun again. I want to be drawing, painting, sewing and just simply living again, because I want to, because I want to be happy and because why the hell shouldn't I?

So here I am, taking 20 minutes on my friday evening to listen to some terrible pop music and spill my thouhgts - because I want to. And you know what? Right now I'm smiling.

Now this post has been very me me me, so now I am going to stop being selfish and think about you, whoever you are and however you ended up here:

Keep going.
Keep trying.
No one can do this better than you.
You're crushing it.

Tag you're it - go make someone else feel better, repeat these words. And be happy. :)

Gabriella Hope

(P.s. I only just got that internet tags aren't just a load of questions people answer on a whim - it's things that other people challenge them to do! My word, I'm an idiot.)

Wednesday 12 July 2017

July 2017 Glossybox

I may have missed a few recently, but it's Glossybox time once again!

This month I was sent a super summery box which really put a smile on my face. Now I just HAVE to go on holiday, so that I can use all my new products. It's only right!

First of all, can I just say how much I love the actual box? Don't get me wrong, Glossybox's are always packaged beautifully, but I just adore the peach shade of this box, its just so rich and lovely!

So the first product that I have received is this Spectrum A10 fan brush. I have heard really good things about the brand Spectrum, and it is so reasonably priced that I might well be persuaded to buy some more... ooh who said that? It's really soft and I love the colours, it truly looks magical! My only tiny problem is that I already have a fan brush that I hardly ever use, so we'll see how much use I get from this one.

Next, I've got possibly the most disgusting sounding mask ever. Shills Snail Essence Wrinkle-Smoothing Sheet Mask really doesn't seem like something that I am wanting to put on my face. However, I have been enlightened by all of the benefits of snail essence for the skin, so I am more than open to giving it a try! I just really hope it doesn't smell of snail poo...

Next is a product that I would really like to try, but one that I just don't think I'll get the chance to. This MONUspa Soothing After Sun Lotion looks amazing, smells amazing, and just seems super luxurious. The problem? England post heatwave = a lot of rain. However, I may be going on holiday in the winter to somewhere gloriously sunny (haha suckers), so I'll be sure to keep this for then!

Next are these two Papanga Spiral Hairbands. I've seen these quite a lot around, but I've personally never really felt the need to try them. I believe that they are designed to prevent kinks being created by hair bands, but my hair is already so curly, that a few extra kinks are warmly welcomed. I have to say though, I thought they would be really loose, but I was pleasantly surprised by how tightly they held my hair.

And lastly is the product that I am most excited for in this box, the BellaPierre Banana Setting Powder. You have no idea how long I have wanted to try a loose powder, because they are meant to be really good for oily skin. So far I have made one hell of a mess with it, but I don't care because I finally get to try my hand at baking! Every girls dream come true!

So that is my Glossybox for the month of July. I hope you enjoyed, and as always, I really recommend Glossybox, it's such good value for money and a great little monthly treat!

See you soon!

Thursday 6 July 2017

New Look Wish List (SS17)

For several years now I've had a real thing against New Look. I haven't really bought anything from them in a really long time and I can never seem to find anything that I like. It also seems that since I used to shop there, they have really increased their prices so that they're more on the Topshop/Zara level rather than the H&M level.

So you can imagine my surprise when I went in a few months ago just on a whim and found the most amazing range of things that I love. It will come as no surprise to you that my favourite colour is yellow (I mean, duh) and bright yellow seems to be the colour of the season - it's everywhere and I love it! I also love that gingham is a trend, I think it is so cute.

I know that this post is coming a little late through the month, but hey ho - think of it as your shopping list ready for next summer! So here is my wish list for New Look!

SALE - £18

SALE - £20

SALE - £24

SALE - £7

SALE - £5

So that's my wish ist from New Look at the moment. I could have gone on and on, but I had to exercise some sef-restraint. Oh, if only I had all the money in the world...

See you soon!

Tuesday 4 July 2017

What To Do?

Now not to brag or anything, but I'm already on my summer holidays, and I'm pretty darn smug about it! Although if anyone is jealous, just remember that I had to take a hella lot of exams in order to earn this!

However, I am learning that after the first few weeks of unwinding and promming, I literally have nothing to do for the next 10ish weeks.

Part of me is very excited by the idea of endless days of nothingness where I can just feast on trash TV all day, everyday. I have my eye on Riverdale, TOWIE, and I also want to re-watch Pretty Little Liars and Once Upon A Time.

I have spent the past two years or so working on re-doing my bedroom, which I am very excited to say is drawing to a close. Yesterday, I assembled my final piece of IKEA flat pack, and it was a proud moment. I just have to get rid of my old furniture and then it'll be all done, ready to be showcased here as a before-vs-after post - one which I am very excited about!

However saying that, part of me is very sad that it is over. I have been planning and saving for so long that it will feel as though I have lost a good friend when it's finished. Maybe I'll just have to start planning for the next redecoration!

I'm not going on holiday at all this summer, and the only other event that I have planned is Guidepost in a few weeks (WHOOP WHOOP!), so I am really at a loose end.

I seem to spend most of my time on Pinterest, looking for something to do. Don't get me wrong, that is an amazingly fun and incredibly fulfilling use of my time, but I wonder if I need a little something more...?

Since I finished making my prom dress (yesterdays post), I have been looking for another sewing project to undertake. I have been thinking about attempting a coat or jacket because I have never made something that complex or that requires tailoring skills before. However, the problem with dressmaking is that its actually quite pricy - patterns for coats are the most expensive patterns to
buy and coat fabrics are no picnic either!

So I suppose what I want is a long-term activity that is really fun and ideally free. Not too much to ask for really. I did ponder writing a novel or discovering the meaning of life or something, but frankly, that just sounds like too much effort and I am a teenager.

As a result of all my rambling, it appears that I have come a full circle and ended back up at plan A, and should therefore spend the majority of the indefinite future watching Netflix under the duvet.

I apologise for wasting your time with this fairly useless post, but hey, if you have any ideas please do not hesitate to inspire me - I am in dire need!

See you soon!

Monday 3 July 2017

My Prom Dress

I recently had my prom which as we all know is the most important night in every girls life. And by that I mean the hugely overhyped, incredibly American, awkward evening of standing around and making small talk with people you didn't even realise were in your year. So yeah, lots of fun!

Regardless of this however, I decided to make my prom dress, because hey, when you've had a month of exams, what's better than more stress? It was something that I've always wanted to do and I wanted the chance to push myself and make something that I could wear and be proud of.

I'm really pleased (and quite smug) to say that it was actually a success! Like many others, I thought that I may be running round a shopping centre the day of prom, trying to find something to wear after everything had failed. This was not the case, though I'm not denying the fact that there was a little last minute sewing.

My dress is made of two separate pieces, the top and the skirt, though I wore the top tucked in so that this wasn't obvious. I used two patterns for this: McCall's M7355 where I made skirt B, and Simplicity 8130 where I made top A.

I used a beautiful teal satin duchess polyester with black trimmings, straps and netting. It's not really a colour I normally go for, but I am absolutely obsessed with it! It looks different in every light, sometimes it's really green and others its much more blue.

It took me a while to decide whether to make a long or short skirt and I went for short in the end. I am really pleased about this, I think that it was definitely the right choice. I had enough difficulty navigating the gravel path in heels, I did not need a long skirt to worry about too! Plus, I was going to make the top from the McCall's pattern, but I changed my mind and bought the Simplicity pattern instead, which gave the dress more of a 50s edge, so the shorter skirt worked better with it.

I love 50s fashions and I really think that the little nipped in waists and full skirts are very flattering. Team that with the cute little collar and sweetheart neckline and I was completely in love. Although the collar did cause me quite a lot of grief during the production (its not even!), its one of my favourite parts of the dress. My other favourite part is the dotty buttons going down the back. They are just such fun - I love them!

The top was originally going to include boning (strips of plastic used as stiffener), but I decided not to include it. The fabric was stiff enough and it had interfacing, so it really didn't need any more structure. It would've also made it really difficult to sit down without being jabbed in the boob!

I don't know exactly how long the dress took me to make, because I did little bits at a time. I was working on it for just over a month, but as some of you may well know, the most time consuming part of any garment is always in the cutting and not the sewing. I estimate that it probably took me 20 hours, though I really have no idea.

In total, this dress cost me around £70, which I really don't think is too bad. That's the amount I would've wanted to spend had I gone to a shop and bought one, and making it was much more fun! Prom dresses are, on average, a lot more expensive than that, so I really think that it is quite reasonable.

If I could change anything about my dress, it would be the hem on the skirt. It is really bulky and wouldn't lie flat no matter how much I ironed it, but despite that, I am really happy with my dress. I enjoyed wearing it and am proud of myself for making it.

I wore my hair in milkmaid braids to try and continue the 50s theme and I did a cut-crease (ish) teal eyeshadow look with a nude lip. I wore small black heels, because I really did not want to be taller than everyone!

I did enjoy prom, more than I thought I would. My advice would be to go in with no expectations whatsoever, so that anything that happens is a nice surprise. This is what I did, and I ended up having a good time!

I hope you enjoyed this little look at my prom dress and hearing all the behind-the-scenes gossip from its creating!

See you soon!

Sunday 2 July 2017

April, May and June Favourites 2017

I have returned from the dead! Or, you know, returned from exams, which is basically the same thing. And I am returning today with an explosion of a post whereby I talk through all the things that I have been loving in the past three months. Now there is a lot of stuff to get through and we are all aware of my outstanding tendency to ramble for England, so I am going to try and be as sharpish as possible!

First up, beauty. I haven't tried out a huge amount of stuff recently but there are a few things that I have really enjoyed using. The first of these is an old classic, the Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation. I don't know what it is about this foundation but I have just been reaching for it again and again. It covers blemishes without being too high coverage and is really lightweight so doesn't feel heavy or sticky which is a definite bonus during exams.

Next, I have two contour products. I have never really contoured before but have recently fallen in love with it. This Contour Stick by Model Co is a really nice colour, it applies really easily and blends out nicely if you just want a subtle contour. I have also been loving this Collection Highlight and Sculpt Kit. The highlight isn't my favourite, but I really love the contour powder, again it just applies really nicely and is super easy to blend.

Lastly in the beauty category, I adore this trio of Primark nail varnishes. The colours are just absolutely amazing, I'm especially obsessed with the centre coppery one. They look like molten metal on your nails and are actually amazing quality considering I got all three for £2.50!

The next section is definitely the biggest, its the TV that I have been loving. As we all know, exams are the perfect time to discover some new gems as you have all the extra time from insane amounts of procrastination. And believe, some true gems have been found. First of all, Dance Moms. I cannot tell you how many hours of this show I have watched, but to give you a rough idea, I have watched two episodes a day for two months - I just can't get enough. If you ever think that your life is bad, go and watch an episode of Dance Moms and EVERYTHING is put into perspective. And the drama! I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions with that show.

How I Met Your Mother is one of my favourite sitcoms and is just amazing to unwind to. I have also discovered TOWIE, of which there are 17 series on Netflix (I've just finished series 2, quite a way to go yet!). It's absolutely hilarious and again, something great to unwind to. I also love Project Runway, I find it completely fascinating and I just pray that Netflix put up more series! I need more Tim Gunn in my life! RuPaul's Drag Race is another one that I have enjoyed, I find it really interesting because I never really knew anything about Drag Queens or that side of the LGBTQ+ community before, and I think RuPaul is simply fabulous!

And lastly, I can't NOT mention the queen of them all, the show that has stolen my heart once again: Love Island. A few weeks in and I already care more about all of those people than any of my friends or family. I know its trash, but it's good trash and it is just the best thing in my life at the moment!

 I've read quite a lot of books recently, some of which I may write separate posts on. I was completely stunned and amazed by Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman, and I can completely see why it is so raved about. I've read a few books by Sophie Kinsella, who is great if you just want something light to unwind to. And one of my all-time favs: Goodnight Mister Tom, you'll never find a book that touches your heart more, that I can guarantee.

And finally, recently we have seen a little bit of sun! Well, around 30 degrees worth. I love the sun, I think it makes everything so much more positive and summer clothes are so much prettier than winter clothes!

I had a lot of other things that I wanted to talk about, but I had to edit a lot. Now that I'm back, I'm back with a vengeance and I'm going to be annoying you by uploading A LOT of posts!

See you soon!