Saturday 13 October 2018


So if we're not counting yesterday, I haven't written in over a year. I can't tell you why that is because I honestly don't know. Things got busy and I suppose I just didn't have the motivation anymore, I'd run out of things to say.

However a year has passed and quite a lot has changed, so I thought we could have a little catch up. I suppose that the biggest thing to happen to me in the past year and a bit is that I moved schools. A completely terrifying and out of character thing for me to do but I am honestly so pleased I did it. Aside from a few teething issues, I am really happy and I know I made the right decision.

Another new development: a boyfriend! Not going to go into much detail about this one, but I am so happy to be spending with him.

Next, deciding what I want to do with my future and stuff. Not so much to report here as I am so indecisive that I have literally no idea, but probably something in the creative industry - hoping that a foundation year will make evening crystal clear for me!

I have started life drawing classes (which for those of you who don't know, is when you draw naked people). This is significant because I never thought that I would be mature enough to do it, and I'm not going to lie, it was super award/embarrassing at first but I actually really enjoyed it.

I now completely love rice krispies (now this is the part you've all been waiting for), I'll eat them at any time, I just love em.

Beginning to scrape the barrel a bit now... ooh, I have given up chocolate for a while, no reason why, just fancied a challenge, and have eaten it since the summer holidays and will go chocolate free now until Christmas advent calendars come out!

That's all I can think of for the mo, and I'm sure that in have demonstrated what a wild and fulfilling life I have in the fact that in a year I have made no decisions about the future and like rice krispies.

Ah well. Rice krispies are good.

Gabriella Hope x

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