Monday, 15 October 2018

Current Obsessions

As a self proclaimed obsessive person, I usually have a few things that I am obsessed with at any one time, something to keep my Pinterest feed full and keep my mind busy when I can't sleep. They change from time to time, but I would like to share with you my three greatest obsessions of the moment:
1. Bullet Journals
2. Capsule Wardrobes
3. Beauty Advent Calendars

Right, number one, bullet journals. So the story starts several months ago when I went to Hobbycraft for the first time (best shop ever, am I right?) And I saw this beautiful scrapbook on sale for £3 and I had to buy it. I had no idea what to do with it, so when I got home I went straight to Pinterest to see if they had any ideas. Absolutely nothing about scrapbooks came up, instead every single post was about a thing called a bullet journal. I had never heard of it at the time, and basically what it is is a diy notebook/diary/planner/whatever you want it to be. After about two hours researching and falling in love with the gorgeous spreads, I found that I had bought one off Amazon and the rest, as they say, is history.

I have now nearly filled up my first book and have my second one all ready to go for November, and I absolute love it, though I always feel painfully inadequate compared to the beauties that I seem to spend my time looking at on Pinterest and Instagram. I have a board of some of my favourites and some that I think are just a great idea for you to check out.

Secondly, capsule wardrobes, another unfortunate Pinterest find (someone should really take me off that website). This one is more of a working progress, I intend to sit down during my half term and properly plan out one, but for now I can just dream. I can't quite work out what it is that I am so attracted to in a Capsule Wardrobe, because I love shopping, I love clothes and I love a bargain! I think it is probably the versatility and the challenge, and the idea of having a wardrobe filled only with clothes I really love. If I'm honest, I don't know whether it will ever completely work for me because I love prints and colour wayyy too much, but I don't think that having a clear out is ever a bad idea.

Again, I have a board on Pinterest for capsules, but I chose ones specifically that had a really good range of colour and patterns in, while still being versatile and interesting.

Finally, beauty advent calendars. It's October, it's time. I have watched a million in boxing videotapes, I have been on every website, every SPOILERS blog. I'm out of control! (And I wonder why I'm behind on schoolwork!) Every year I have moaned on here about not being able to afford one and trying to get cheap alternatives, and it has never worked. This year I am determined to splash out, and boy, have I done my research! At the moment I am most attracted to the NYX one (£50), and the Sleek MakeUP one (£35), though the Revolution Lips edition (£40) is also tickling my fancy! Ugh what do I do? You know, I only see one solution: get them all!!!

Though, let's be honest, the same thing that happens every year will happen, I'll spend too long deliberating, they'll all sell out, and I will massively regret it! Time to stop being indecisive and splash the cash!

I'll keep you updated on the progress of these obsessions, and I'm sure we're in for a wild ride!

Gabriella Hope x

Saturday, 13 October 2018


So if we're not counting yesterday, I haven't written in over a year. I can't tell you why that is because I honestly don't know. Things got busy and I suppose I just didn't have the motivation anymore, I'd run out of things to say.

However a year has passed and quite a lot has changed, so I thought we could have a little catch up. I suppose that the biggest thing to happen to me in the past year and a bit is that I moved schools. A completely terrifying and out of character thing for me to do but I am honestly so pleased I did it. Aside from a few teething issues, I am really happy and I know I made the right decision.

Another new development: a boyfriend! Not going to go into much detail about this one, but I am so happy to be spending with him.

Next, deciding what I want to do with my future and stuff. Not so much to report here as I am so indecisive that I have literally no idea, but probably something in the creative industry - hoping that a foundation year will make evening crystal clear for me!

I have started life drawing classes (which for those of you who don't know, is when you draw naked people). This is significant because I never thought that I would be mature enough to do it, and I'm not going to lie, it was super award/embarrassing at first but I actually really enjoyed it.

I now completely love rice krispies (now this is the part you've all been waiting for), I'll eat them at any time, I just love em.

Beginning to scrape the barrel a bit now... ooh, I have given up chocolate for a while, no reason why, just fancied a challenge, and have eaten it since the summer holidays and will go chocolate free now until Christmas advent calendars come out!

That's all I can think of for the mo, and I'm sure that in have demonstrated what a wild and fulfilling life I have in the fact that in a year I have made no decisions about the future and like rice krispies.

Ah well. Rice krispies are good.

Gabriella Hope x

Friday, 12 October 2018

Hi. Again.

I have just spent about two hours researching cheap alternatives to printer ink cartridges, foundation art courses and beauty advent calendars and somewhere among that I had the urge that I haven't had in a really long time: the urge to just write. Now if you knew my life over the past few weeks you would think that totally insane as I have literally done nothing but write, art essays, English essays, personal statements etcetera etcetera. I don't do much for fun anymore. That sounds so ominous and depressing, I promise it's not that bad really!

Do you ever get the feeling that you don't really do anything for yourself anymore? I do art for my A level, likewise with textiles, likewise with English. As for maths I can't really say I ever did that for fun before - perhaps that's why it's the only subject I'm actually enjoying!

I miss this. I miss just writing for the hell of it to no one in particular. Ain't it funny how life can get in the way without you even realizing it?

I complain but I love it really. I enjoy school, I enjoy learning and most importantly, I chose this because it's what I want. I just love a moan - what can I say? I'm just very British!

It's a tough time but I'm a great believer in happy endings and I know I'll get through it and come out the other side smiling. Which, I suppose, is why I am here now. Because when I emerge smiling, I want to be writing for fun again. I want to be drawing, painting, sewing and just simply living again, because I want to, because I want to be happy and because why the hell shouldn't I?

So here I am, taking 20 minutes on my friday evening to listen to some terrible pop music and spill my thouhgts - because I want to. And you know what? Right now I'm smiling.

Now this post has been very me me me, so now I am going to stop being selfish and think about you, whoever you are and however you ended up here:

Keep going.
Keep trying.
No one can do this better than you.
You're crushing it.

Tag you're it - go make someone else feel better, repeat these words. And be happy. :)

Gabriella Hope

(P.s. I only just got that internet tags aren't just a load of questions people answer on a whim - it's things that other people challenge them to do! My word, I'm an idiot.)