I have just (and I mean in the last five minutes) finished going through my nail varnishes and having a bit of a sort and clear out. I used to keep them in a tub, but I didn't really like that, so I am planning to buy one of those big plastic mason jars (or something along those lines) to keep them in, but for now they're just on my desk.
However, I don't really talk about nail varnish very much and I thought that it might be nice if I shared my collection with you. First of all, you must know that I am absolute crap when it comes to nails. I'm not one of those people with beautiful long nails who does all kinds of fancy nail art, my nails are short and horrible and weak (so they never grow) and I don't even paint them as much as I would like - blummin school rules. So my collection is based on me being an absolute cheapskate and novice, and not because I'm trying to show off - there is absolutely nothing to show off about!

So first up are some of the first nail varnishes that I ever got. Father Christmas dropped these in my stocking years ago and I've kept them because I actually really like them. They're by a brand called Flutter (which I think is only available at Christmas?) and all of the colours are actually really nice and wearable. I really like the burgundyish colour, and I also wear the blue quite a bit because it's not too ostentatious for school. I have no idea what the names are, and I doubt that they are still available, but I kind of love em because they show where I came from.

Next up are my Rimmel nail varnishes. I actually love Rimmel polishes, they are probably my go to brand and the only one that I have ever tried in great depth. I especially love the Rita Ora festival ones (which are the three on the left). I have 878 (Roll In The Grass), 880 (Port-A-Loo-Blue) and 450 (Daisy Days). I basically lived in these three colours last summer, especially the yellow. They're really quick drying which is good because I'm super impatient and although they aren't particularly long lasting, they have that special one-stroke brush which is really thick, and I really like that. I then have a 405 (Loafer Love For You) and a 500 (Caramel Cupcakes), which is a great nude for school because it dries so fast and has a nice finish. Last of all, I tried out one of Rimmel's Super Gel range, in 021 (New Romantic). I wore this quite a lot last spring, those I wasn't particularly crazy about it.

I then have a couple of nudes which I have gotten from various Glossyboxes, a Ciate paint pot in Iced Frappe (which I have just used for the first time and so far, really like - fast drying and very opaque with one coat!), and a Revlon 705 in Gray Suede. I think that I've only used that one once, but I don't think that I was very impressed because it took ages to dry. However, I will be using it again because I can't really remember.

Then I have a couple of Maybelline polishes which I actually got in a set together last year I think. There are some crystals and a bright red. The red is actually really good, fast drying (you can really tell what I look for in a varnish cant you?) and a really strong colour. I have only used the crystals once or twice, but I never have any problems with them coming off, they stick pretty firmly.

Next I have two MUA ones which I was given.
I think that these are literally £1 each, so you cant expect much from them. However, they do have a really nice range of colours, even if you have to use about 400 coats to be able to see them! I think I might buy a few other colours and give them a go, and let you know what I think!

Lastly, I just have two random ones, a red one that I was given and I have no idea what the brand is or what colour it is and I don't actually think I've ever used... and the other which is my only Barry M one, and I think I inherited from my sister and is some glitter particle thingys. If I ever get invited to a party, I think that this will become very appropriate!

Then in the way of top coats, I have three: the Revlon Diamond Top Coat, which takes agesss to dry, the Rimmel Super Gel Top Coat which gives you the gel effect and my favourite, the Barry M Basecoat, Topcoat and Nail Hardener. It's pretty bog standard but it does everything you want it too!
So that is my nail varnish collection, I know that it's not huge, I am just too impatient most of the time to make a good job out of my nails!
See you soon!
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