I know of one label that I especially get called every single day. The geniuses in my school came up with the label 'keeno' as a new insult for nerd or geek, but also for teacher's pet. A little bit of grammar for you now, the word 'keeno' comes from the word 'keen' which used to mean excited and happy, but has now been twisted to mean completely uncool, and the kind of person who gets excited about English essays and physics tests. The 'o' in 'keeno' has been added so that it sounds more threatening as idiots yell it out in classrooms and corridors.
Now I just want to be clear here, I highly doubt that the people in my year came up with this, and I am sure that it isn't an original idea, but I just find it so ridiculous. I'm sorry, but of all the things to mock someone about?!? Being 'keen'?
I also want to say that in this blog, my objections are about ALL labels, but I'm using keeno because it is the one I come into the most contact with and am most effected by.
Being called keen has actually never been that much of a problem for me. I would like to make it clear that I am in no way denying my keenness, or trying to hide it in anyway, because I am not ashamed of being who I am. Being a nerd is who I have always been, and I used to be so sure I could change myself. When I moved from primary school to secondary school, I was determined to reinvent myself into one of the 'cool' girls. However in the end I ended up in a worse situation than I had been in before, and it felt like I didn't have anyone to talk to, because I didn't know who my real friends were. On the inside I was still me, and if that me is a keeno nerd, than that is something that I'm going to have to accept. And I did eventually, and I am happy being who I am now. I just wish that others would be happy with me being who I am.
I wouldn't say I get bullied or anything, I don't want anyone to jump to conclusions and start ringing child line. I am probably making this sound worse than it is, but I am trying to give you an example of real life that happens every single day.
Now I personally do not see anything wrong at all with being 'keen'. I don't see anything wrong with doing work, and yes, occasionally enjoying it. I don't see anything wrong with doing all my homework and making teachers happy. I don't see anything wrong with getting a good school report and a good time at parents evening and making your parents proud of you. I don't see anything wrong with this, so why do others feel that these things are the most repulsive things to happen to you in the universe?
I think that some people believe that I have no life, but I disagree. (However, one could argue that as I am writing a blog that no one will ever read, perhaps I don't have a life). Apparently because I get my homework done on time, this means I never watch TV, never go out with friends, never stop working. Well, at the age I am currently, in no way do I get enough work that I never stop working, an hour at most every day after school, but not until I go to sleep.
And people should know, that when we are handed an English essay to do, I'm not cheering! I'm not excited by the prospect of doing it. Yes, I may enjoy the book, (Romeo and Juliet is one of my favourite stories ever) but I have never known anyone who actually ENJOYS writing an essay, so why would you assume that I do?
I have started to ramble now, but I could go on forever, talking about each and every stereotype and how they are wrong. If you are reading this, and can relate to it, even marginally, whether you're the stereotyper or the stereotyped, just think about how that person feels, every time you label them, every time that you instantly assume something about them, because we all do it! I am awful at seeing someone and instantly making up my mind about them. I think that labelling is just one notch down from bullying, and so if you are about to shout a name at someone, how about you just... don't. I'm not saying you have to go and become bffs with them, give each other a makeover and manicure, but by just NOT saying that name, NOT labelling them, you are making more difference than you probably realise.
If you have ever been labelled or have anything to comment about, I'd love to hear it, so please comment below.
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