The bubble bath and lip gloss were from a brand called 'I love...' which is available from Super drug. Just if you're interested, the brand has various cosmetics in the flavors mango and papaya; strawberries and cream; raspberry and blackberry (my favorite!); coconut and cream AND vanilla and ice cream.
So, last night I decided to have a bath with my new raspberry and blackberry bubble bath.
I poured loads into the bathtub, and sat and watched as the bubbles began to grow. It took a while, because we have a pretty large bath, but eventually it was done. I got in, and started to relax. However, I'd made the mistake I have made many times before and made the water very hot (because I like a hot bath) but then it becomes uncomfortable and I have to get out. But I thought that I shouldn't get out so soon, so I started to play with my bubble baths and another product (Sugar Crush body wash by Soap and Glory) and I started to blow bubble through my fingers.
Before I knew it, I had spent half and hour just sitting in the bath playing with bubbles.
It was the most curious thing ever, because the normal bubbles that you get don't last very long at all, but these were near impossible to pop! I played with them, separating them into smaller bubbles, smooshing them back together - I even put my hands inside of them, touching the insides, and it still didn't pop!
It's really hard to describe exactly what it was like or even why I am bothering to write about it, because to most people, I am just wittering on about bubbles, but to me, there is something slightly magical about a bubble. It is a little pocket of air, surrounding by a coating made up of some kind of soap mixture or something, but when these massive ones caught the light, they were so beautiful, and to me, it really seemed like a ball of magic.
So, if you enjoyed this, please continue reading my blog for more of the same.
See you next time!
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