Friday, 2 September 2016

Terrified of a spider?

So apparently, now that we're entering the beginning of autumn now (groan) it's what we call 'spider season'.

This means that there are spiders quite literally everywhere you look. And not just itty-bitty ones either, some absolutely ginormous monsters.

I personally wouldn't say that I'm particularly afraid of spiders, I just really don't like them very much - lets face it, who does? But, as it turns out, I am absolutely terrified of spiders. And I'm going to tell you the story of how I made this discovery.

Once upon a time in south-east England a young girl was getting ready for bed...

Last night, I was getting ready for bed, you know, pyjamas, teeth, one final moisturize... But then just as I was about to pull the covers back and climb in to my cosy bed ready to succumb to the slumber I so desperately wanted I spotted something.

Something huge, something black, and something sitting in my sharpies! I mean, MY SHARPIES!? Yes, it was a spider. A huge unpleasant spider, probably about the size of my hand (GINORMOUS).

You know when you read those adventure books, and at some point within the story there is always that time when the hero hears something that 'makes their blood run cold'? That is quite literally what happened to me as I stared at it and it stared at me.

Then as quick as a flash, it hopped from my mug of sharpies across to my pen pot and down onto my desk, advancing towards me. And I freaked out. I grabbed my phone and pillow and pelted down the stairs to the comfort of my spider-free living room where I was sure to spend the rest of my life.

Later that evening after I had been mildly comforted and majorly teased by my sister (who incidentally refused to go and get rid of it for me), I went back up stairs to my room to grab a few essentials including my alarm clock and phone charger. I was set to sleep on the sofa.

By this point, my parents were long since asleep, and there was no way I was waking them up to come and sort it out for me! But as I went back into my room, I spotted the spider again. Now, it was on the floor, scuttling closer and closer to me, through all of the paper and mess that lay heaped all over the floor (I'm in the middle of a big holiday art project!), right over to my chest of drawers where it disappeared under.

I've got to say though that despite all of my hate towards this creature that had terrified me out of my bed, it moved incredibly fast! However this wasn't much comfort to me.

There is another slight reason for the way that I acted as I did, besides just the initial shock and fear I mean. The other night, I had had this really bad dream - nightmare actually. I can't remember exactly, but the basics of it were that millions of bugs and spiders and moths and creepy crawlies were all crawling up me as I slept. When I woke up, I was so paranoid that every time the duvet twitched or I got an itch, I would just freak the hell out.

Anyway, I went downstairs and me and my sister were just watching TV until she suddenly gave a little scream and asked me if I saw it. As I was unsure as to what she was talking about, she nudged her shoes (which were strewn across the floor) to reveal another ginormous spider. This one was slightly smaller than the first, but still! Why are they following me!?!?

As neither my sister or I wanted to deal with it, we came to an agreement that if I went to go and get a glass from the kitchen, my sister would put it over the spider, which we did end up doing. Believe me, the spider wasn't too happy about that!

I was fine with sleeping in the same room as a spider as long as it was contained, so I settled myself down on the sofa (with my head the furthest from the spider as it could possibly be!), finished watching First Dates and went to sleep!

And that was that really. We had a couple of close shaves, where my mum accidently picked up the glass the next morning, but I explained the situation to her so quickly that the spider didn't have a chance to escape. He actually stayed there, in the glass, in the centre of the living room for much longer than he should've done, until I nagged my father enough to take him outside (as far from the house as possible).

And as for the one in my room? I was very scared to go back in, but over the day I have tentatively built up the length of time I am spending in my room and I haven't yet seen the spider. So far, I'm planning to sleep in my own bed tonight - whoop whoop!

Do I regret sleeping on the sofa? No, I would've been too paranoid had I stayed in my own room.
Do I feel embarrassed about being scared of a spider? No, not really. I'd probably still do the same thing now.
Do I wish I wasn't so cliché with my fears? Yes, most definitely!

So that's all I've got for you today folks! Its been a while since I've sat down and just done one of these random writing/ranty post thingy's, I always have an agenda or an idea to write about, but sometimes it's just nice to be me, 100% weird!

See you soon!